SPS International Agreements - Detailed

r of any category of user." Such assignments are listed with the date of registration in Column 2a of the Master Register. Pursuant to the Radio Regulations such assignments are entitled to ". . . the right to international protection from harmful interference. But, if a registrant does not conform to the ITU registration plan, it is nonetheless listed in Column 2b of the Master Register. This does not accord to the registrant the international protection assured to situations in "full conformity with the allotment plan of the Union." Such a registration is effected so that other parties will know that the frequency is in use as a result of the nation's assignment. Even so, such a registrant does have identifiable rights. Thus, the Regulations "require that the IFRB give an unfavorable ruling to a new user which would interfere with a station already listed in Column 2b so long as that station is operating in conformity with the Convention and Regulations and has not caused interference to a station in full conformity with the ITU frequency plan. Column 2d of the Master Register is used for assignments presented to the Board but not ruled on by it. Listed there are the broadcasting services operating in crowded high-frequency ranges. Also listed are Allan H. Ickowitz, "The Role of the International Telecommunication Union in the Settlement of Harmful Interference Disputes," 13 Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 86 (1974). ITU Regulations of December 21, 1959, Paragraph 607, 12 UST 2377, 2507 TIAS 4893. This international agreement entered into force for the United States on October 23, 1961. Ickowitz, op. cit., p. 86, citing Paragraph 608. Ibid., citing Paragraph 608.