SPS International Agreements - Detailed

rule is too rigid to be very useful in different cases." The ITU remains steadfast to its principle, as set out in Paragraph 607 of the 1959 Regulations, that assignments set out in Column 2a of the Master Register are entitled to "the right to international protection from harmful interference." This has not been touched in either the 1963 or the 1971 Regulations. Thus, in the 1971 revised Article 9A, entitled "Co-ordination, Notification and Recording in the Master International Frequency Register of Frequency Assignments to Radio Astronomy and Space Radiocommunication States except Stations in the Broadcasting-Satellite Service," the IFRB is to be notified by an ITU member of any frequency assignment to an earth or space station if "the use of the frequency concerned is capable of causing harmful interference to any service of another administration; or if the frequency is to be used for international radiocommunications; or if it is desired to obtain international recognition of the use of the frequency." Section IV. of revised Article 9A is entitled "Procedure for the Examination of Notices and the Recording of Frequency Assignments in the Master Register." Pursuant to Paragraph 639BP of this section the Board is empowered, when it receives a notice from a member State concerning a frequency assignment, to examine the "probability of harmful interference to the service rendered by a space radiocommunication station for which a frequency assignment already has been recorded in the Master Register. ..." ^Ibid. , p. 95. O3 UST 1684, TIAS 7435. This is Annex 8 to the 1971 Convention. Ibid., Paragraph 639BA, p. 1695. Ibid., p. 1698.