SPS International Agreements - Detailed

The Board's role in the combined areas of frequency allocation, harmful interference, and priority of use by the State that has given notice to the Board of a frequency assignment is illustrated in Paragraph 639BS of revised Article 9A. It reads: When, following an examination of a notice with respect to No. 639BP, the Board reaches an unfavorable finding based upon the probability of harmful interference to a recorded assignment for a space station which the Board has reason to believe may not be in regular use, the Board shall forthwith consult the administration responsible for the registered assignment. If it is determined by the Board that the assignment has not been used for two years the Board is authorized to engage in coordination with IRU members likely to be adversely affected by harmful interference and to engage in further examination of the situation as appropriate. Such coordination and examination are to take place before the assignment "is brought back into use . . . [and] the date on which the assignment is brought back into use shall then be entered in the Master Register." While this language allows for the protection of a priority, even though the frequency has not been in use, it also suggests that the Board can exercise an ongoing influence over the equitable, effective, and economical utilization of the spectrum. Section VIII. of revised Article 9A is entitled "Modification, Cancellation and Review of Entries in the Master Register." This section deals with situations where the use of a recorded assignment to a space station is suspended for a period of 18 months. The registering State is obliged to notify the Board of the date when use was suspended and when Ibid., p. 1699. ... , Ibid.