SPS International Agreements - Detailed

the assignment is to be brought back to regular use. If the registering State does not notify the Board, it is authorized to inquire of the affected State when the assignment is to be brought back into regular use. If the State does not respond within six months, the Board is to treat the assignment "as one which has been established as having been out of regular use for two years." This section allows a State to relinquish the use of a recorded frequency assignment. Thus, in the case of a permanent discontinuance of the use of any recorded frequency assignment, the notifying administration shall inform the Board within ninety days of such discontinuance, whereupon the entry shall be removed from the Master Register." Further, the Board has the authority to either cancel or suitably modify the registration of a member State. Thus: Whenever it appears to the Board from the information available that a recorded assignment has not been brought into regular operation in accordance with the notified basic characteristics, or is not being used in accordance with those basic characteristics, the Board shall consult the notifying administration and, subject to its agreement, shall either cancel or suitably modify the entry. The 1971 Radio Regulations also require that member States submit to the Board well in advance of the putting into use of a given frequency a notice concerning such prospective use. For a frequency assignment made by a member to either an earth or a space station, such notice must reach the IFRM "not earlier than three years before the date on which the assignment is to be brought into use ..." and not later than 90 days 0JIbid. , Paragraph 639DM, p. 1709. 3PIbid., Paragraph 639DN, p. 1709. O/Ibid., Paragraph 63900, p. 1709.