SPS International Agreements - Detailed

2.9 The 1977 ITU Radio Regulations and Space Activities, WARC BS In 1971, the WARC ST invited the Administrative Council of the ITU to include on the agenda of the next conference an examination of relevant frequency assignments recorded in the Master International Frequency Register. Concern existed that member States would experience difficulty in frequency bands in meeting requirements for space radiocommunication as the use of frequencies and orbital positions increased. The Administrative Council initiated activity which led to the convening in Geneva on January 10, 1977 of "The World Administrative Radio Conference for the Planning of the Broadcasting-Satellite Service in Frequency Bands 11.7 - 12.2 GHz (in Regions 2 and 3) and 11.7 - 12.5 GHz (in Region 1)," WARC BS. On February 13, 1977 the Final Acts of the WARC BS were signed by representatives of 111 countries. The extreme complexity of the subject matter had posed substantial problems for the ITU. These had only been resolved through the use of computers. It should be emphasized that although the Final Acts have the appearance of an international agreements ready for approval as an operating commitment the Acts at this stage are merely a "Plan." Their present status has been described: "The Final Acts are destined to be incorporated as an integral part of the Radio Regulations by the general Recommendation No. Spa2-1, 23 UST 1527, 1839-1840, TIAS 7435. Resolution No. Spa2-2, entitled "Relating to the Establishment of Agreement and Associated Plans for the Broadcasting-Satellite Service," also called for the convening of appropriate conferences. 23 UST 1527, 1821, TIAS 7435. Further authorization was contained in Article 54 of the 1973 ITU Convention and in Resolution No. 27 of the 1973 ITU Conference.