SPS International Agreements - Detailed

World Administrative Radio Conference in 1979. . . ," The negotiators identified their work as "planification." The 1977 WARC BS in formulating its "Plan" for the use of the identified frequencies in the several regions took into account "All the technical parameters necessary for the purpose of ensuring the optimum use of available resources. Among these parameters we can quote the frequency, the position, the power, the direction of the antenna beam and the beam width, etc. The position is always indicated in the Plan, whether it is on the earth or orbital. In the case of the geostationary orbit the term 'nominal orbital position' is used. The indication of this nominal position means that the use of this part of an orbit for a transmitter is compatible with an operation of the system free of inter- ference to or from other users." Butler also indicated that "The mention of this position does not, from the ITU point of view, constitute an appropriation." The "Plan" takes into account country symbol and IFRB Serial Number, nominal orbital position in degrees, channel number, boresight geographical coordinates in degrees and tenths of a degree, antenna beamwidth, orientation of the ellipse, polarization, "E.i.r.p. in the direction of maximum radiation in dW," and remarks. Considerations relating to antenna beamwidth and orientation of the ellipse are specified Richard E. Butler, "World Administrative Radio Conference for Planning Broadcasting Satellite Service," 5 Journal of Space Law 94 (1977). He also stated that "thus, it can be said that the outcome of the conference is binding on all members." Ibid. Seventeenth Report by the International Telecommunication Union on Telecommunication and the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, submitted to the Committee on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS), U.N. Doc. A/AC.105/213, p. 27, 22 December 1977. Butler, op. cit., p. 98.