SPS International Agreements - Detailed

of broadcasting-satellites (5 dB for the sidebands). Furthermore, assignments to the satellites most likely to cause interference were made for preference in the band between 12.2 and 12.5 GHz, which is not allocated to the fixed-satellite service in Region 2. Annex 11 to the Final Acts gives the limits of power flux density produced in Region 2 and a check point situated in Brazil. The 1977 WARC BS produced an agreement consisting of 16 articles in the Final Acts, 11 annexes, a Final Protocol, 9 Resolutions, and 8 n Recommendations. Article 1 consists of general definitions. It uses the expression "Frequency assignment in accordance with the Plan," and this is defined as "Any frequency assignment which appears in the Plan for which the procedure of Article 4 of the Final Acts has been successfully applied." Article 2 refers to the frequency bands dealt with at the Conference, as well as "to the other services to which these bands are allocated, so far as their relationship to the broadcasting-satellite service in these bands is concerned." Article 3 imposes on States situated in Regions 1 and 3 the duty to operate their broadcasting-satellite space stations on radio frequencies specified in the "Plan." States in Region 2 are to apply interim provisions contained in Article 11 of the Final Acts. Further the members agreed not to "change the characteristics specified in the Plan, or establish new broadcasting-satellite space stations or stations in the other services to which these frequency bands are allocated, except U.N. Doc. A/AC.105/213, p. 7. Final Acts, Intertelecommunication Union, Geneva, 1977. Italics added. Attention is called to this terminology, since the IFRB has been charged with making allocations of frequencies.