SPS International Agreements - Detailed

Article 6 sets out procedures relating to frequency assignments to terrestrial stations affecting the frequencies dealt with at the Conference. The technical complexity of the problem is indicated by the fact that 56 paragraphs are required to deal with the subject. Article 7 deals with procedures leading to the recording in the IFRB's Master International Frequency Register of frequency assignments to stations in the Fixed-Satellite Service in the 11.7 - 12.2 GHz frequency band for Region 2 when such assignments are to broadcastingsatellite stations in accordance with the "Plan." Over 30 paragraphs in the Final Acts focus on coordination to be effected by ITU members on this subject. Article 8 contains miscellaneous provisions relating to IFRB procedures. Article 9 contains procedures to protect terrestrial services in Regions 1 and 3 from interference from broadcasting-satellite space stations in Region 2. Article 10 is designed to protect space services in Region 2 from interference by broadcasting-satellite space stations of Regions 1 and 3. Article 11 identifies the nine items appearing in the column headings of the "Plan." Article 12 is of particular interest to the United States since it relates to Region 2. The article purports to deal with the broadcastingsatellite service pending the establishment of the detailed "Plan" for this region at the Regional Conference to be convened no later than 1982. The article constitutes interim provisions. Continuing the ITU's association of frequencies and orbits it is provided that "Space stations in the broadcasting-satellite service shall be located in the following See footnote 94 supra.