SPS International Agreements - Detailed

the broadcasting-satellite service. Annex 3 deals with a method for determining the limiting interfering power flux density in specific situations. Annex 4 identifies the need for coordination of a fixed- satellite space station or a broadcasting-satellite space station in Region 2 with respect to Article 7 of the "Plan." Annex 5 also deals with power flux density as related to Article 9. Annex 6 is entitled "Planning principles in Region 2." In this Annex the members of the ITU provide instructions for States located in Region 2 and to the regional conference to be convened to deal with the 11.7 - 12.2 GHz band. In keeping with the ITU's association of radio frequencies with orbital positions reference was made to "equitable rights of access to the geostationary orbit spectrum resource." Although the Final Acts do not provide a definition for the expression "Geostationary orbit spectrum resource," paragraph 4 of this Annex states: Subject to the provisions of the Convention, the Radio Regulations and the Resolutions in force, it is recognized that all administrations have the right of access to the geostationary orbit spectrum resource in order to fulfill their requirements. Undoubtedly, the quoted language is consistent with the ITU position that both the position in space occupied by a space object and the radio frequency employed in broadcasting from such a space object are natural resources legally available for the use of all States. Annex 6 also advises Region 2 States that the forthcoming regional plan is to make provisions for the efficient use of the geostationary orbit Because of the relevance of the identified criteria to possible future allocations of frequencies at the lower GHz range, the criteria are included in Annex 1 to this Chapter. The term is not defined in the 1971 WARC ST.