SPS International Agreements - Detailed

and the spectrum. Thus: The plan for Region 2 shall use, to the maximum extent technically and economically practicable, the techniques available so as to make the most efficient use of the geostationary orbit and the frequency spectrum to fulfill the requirements both of the Region as a v/hole and of the individual administrations. Annex 7 acknowledges that the shared "use of the spectrum/orbit resources" in Region 2 poses problems for two services, namely, the broadcasting-satellite and the fixed-satellite. This annex identifies ten techniques suited to the efficient exploitation of the "spectrum/orbit resource." The 16 pages of Annex 8, entitled "Technical Data Used in Establishing the Provisions and Associated Plan and which should be Used for Their Application," attest to its complexity. This Annex identified disagreement among member States on the subject of polarization. Thus, the United States expressed concern over the acceptance of circular polarization for the broadcasting-satellite service. The United States "indicated that the very probable adoption of linear polarization by the fixed-sate11ite service would preclude the use of cross-polarization to facilitate sharing between the two space services and would affect orbit and spectrum utilization within the Region." Iran "expressed a reservation regarding the adoption of circular polarization for planning the broadcasting-satellite service in Region 3 and states its intention to use linear polarization." These techniques are set out in Annex 2 to this Chapter. Final Acts, Annex 8, p. 5. Ibid.