SPS International Agreements - Detailed

This Annex provided an additional set of definitions, one being "nominal orbital position." This is identified as "the longitude of a position in the geostationary satellite orbit associated with a frequency assignment to a ’space station in a space radiocommunication service. The position is given in degrees from the Greenwich meridian." This Annex also deals with orbital spacing and with satellite station keeping. The Annex refers only to the "Plan" for Regions 1 and 3, and indicates general acceptance of "nominal orbital positions spaced uniformly at intervals of 6° " As to station keeping it is stated that "space stations in the broadcasting-satellite service must be maintained in position with an accuracy of better than ±0.1° in both the N-S and E-W direction. (These tolerances lead to a maximum excursion of ± 0.14° from the nominal satellite position.)“ Annex 11 sets out technical methods for the calculation of power flux density produced in the territories of Region 2 by space stations in the broadcasting-satellite service in Regions 1 and 3. This Annex contains a table identifying 88 orbital positions assigned in the "Plan" which orbital positions occupy the area from 37°W to 5°E and channels 1 to 25. These assigned orbital positions pertain to broadcasting space stations of Regions 1 and 3. Resolutions A through I deal generally with the acceptance of the work of the 1977 Conference by the 1979 WARC and with the expectation . 9 Ibid., p. Z. Ibid., p. 14. Ibid. ibid,, Annex 11, pp. 2-6.