SPS International Agreements - Detailed

ANNEX 1 BASIC CHARACTERISTICS TO BE FURNISHED IN NOTICES RELATING TO SPACE STATIONS IN THE BROADCASTING-SATELLITE SERVICE 1. Country and IFRB number 2. Nominal orbital position (in degrees from the Greenwich meridian) 3. Assigned frequency or channel number 4. Date of bringing into use 5. Identity of the space station 6. Service area (if necessary, the service area may be defined by a number of "test points") 7. Geographical coordinates of the intersection of the antenna beam axis with the Earth 8. Rain-climate zone 9. Class of station 10. Class of emission and necessary bandwidth 11. Power supplied to the antenna (Watts) 12. Antenna characteristics - gain of the antenna referred to an isotropic radiator - shape of the beam (elliptical or circular) - major axis (degrees) at -3 dB points - minor axis (degrees) at -3 dB points - orientation of the ellipse - AG (difference between the maximum gain and the gain in the direction of the point in the service area at which the power flux density is at a minimum) - pointing accuracy - type of polarization - sense of polarization - radiation pattern and cross-polar characteristics