SPS International Agreements - Detailed

ANNEX 2 Use of the Spectrum/Orbit Resource Since the equal sharing of the spectrum/orbit resource between the broadcasting-satellite service and the fixed-satellite service in Region 2 is inherently difficult and may impose some restrictions on both services, it is important that the technical parameters be chosen, and the techniques for efficient use of the spectrum/orbit resource be applied in such a way that both space services will benefit as much as possible. The following techniques are among those identified as leading to a more efficient use of the spectrum/orbit resource and should therefore be applied to the maximum extent technically and economically practicable ‘consistent with the capability of systems to fulfill the requirements for which they were designed. 1. Clustering 2. Cross-polarization 3. Crossed-beam geometry 4. Paired service areas 5. Frequency interleaving 6. Minimum space station spacings 7. Space station antenna discrimination 8. Earth station antenna discrimination 9. Minimizing e.i.r.p. differences* 10. Realistic quality and reliability objectives *See footnote 96 for definition.