SPS International Agreements - Detailed

TABLE OF CONTENTS Pa^e EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................. v TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................. vii Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION .............................................. 1 1.1 International Agreements and a SPS............... 1 1.2 Role of Law and International Organizations ... 1 1.3 National Perspectives in International Organizations ........................... 3 1.4 Composition of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space..................... 4 1.5 Additional International Forums ................... 5 1.6 The Possibility of Unilateral SPS Activity .... 7 1.7 Policy as the Product of Legal and Scientific Forces .................................... 8 2. THE ITU AND THE ALLOCATION OF THE RADIO FREQUENCY SPECTRUM.............................................. 11 2.1 Essential Powers of the ITU...................... 2.2 Association by ITU of Radio Frequencies and Orbital Positions .......................... 13 2.3 Harmful Interference with Natural Resources: Spectrum and Orbit............................... 15 2.4 The Governmental Process of the ITU.............. 17 2.5 The Issue of Priority of Rights to Radio Frequencies............................. 23 2.6 The 1959 ITU Radio Regulations and Space Activities ................................ 2.7 The 1963 ITU Radio Regulations and Space Activities................................ 45 2.8 The 1971 ITU Radio Regulations and Space Activities, WARC ST..................... 47 2.9 The 1977 ITU Radio Regulations and Space Activities, WARC BS..................... 48 2.10 Assessment of Role of ITU in SPS Activities ... $2