1975 JPL DistributedNetwork Collectors

These results are shown in Table 10. Also included are the building, land and token contractor fee. Adding all of these costs, total direct costs become 1435$/kWe. This cost is based on an electric power collection subsystem designed for 1000 MWe. If the high voltage (>230 kV) components are deleted for tie-in to the distribution level voltage (~13.6 kW), then total system costs would be reduced by 5%. The electric collection costs would reduce to 27$/kWe, and this subsystem efficiency would increase from 93.4% to 96.2%. The total system costs would then become 1366$/kWe. The above costs represent the overnight construction costs in 1975 dollars of a technology that may not be technically ready as a commercial product until 1985. This costing excludes construction related costs such as interest and escalation during construction. It also excludes contingencies, startup, spares, etc. As developed in Reference 12 the preliminary energy cost equation used is simply equal to 0.0224 I/PL. The factor I/P is the capital cost and L is the load factor. In this case, for a 2 axis tracking system the L is equal to 0.45, which is the fraction of daylight available throughout a year. The equation has a 10.5% weighted interest on capital, and a 5% of initial capital for insurance, profit, depreciation and taxes. No operation and maintenance are considered. A 25 year plant life and 6% long-term inflation is included as part of recurring annual costs. Using this expression, the energy cost becomes 71 mills/ kWh. Using the simple 0.15 annual factor, the energy cost is 55 mills/kWh. 4.1.2 Preliminary Impact Characteristics The distributed generation plant using the parabolic dish and small Brayton engine has a number of impacts. The most obvious ones are land area used, net energy removal from the plant site, and aesthetic (visual) impacts. The required land area at a GCR of 0.2 is 2.8 km2 (1.1 mi2 ) for a 100 MWe plant. If the GCR