1975 JPL DistributedNetwork Collectors

collector costs. The earlier results for the energy transport performance and costs (Section 3.2) were based on one set of assumptions. These included the △ T , ground cover ratio, collector efficiency and the magnitude of heat trans- ported. Only the later was treated parametrically as was shown in Figure 12 where direct transport costs were expressed as a function of heat transported. Since the hot side temperatures are considered fixed for each transport subsystem, the collector efficiency is considered constant at the values indicated earlier in Table 6 (Section Earlier more elaborate work (Ref. 1) indicated that the optimum ground cover ratio for this type of system was 0.4; this has been adopted herein as an appropriate value of GCR. The remaining independent variable is the temperature rise in the fluid Water Transport. For system 1, which is the hot water energy transport system, the hot exit temperature was held fixed at 315°C. The return temperature was varied from 205°C to 287°C. The resulting temperature rise across the collector field (△T ) is varied a factor of four from 110°C to 28°C. Using the optimum Rankine plant operating conditions shown in Section, the system 1 energy transport model was used to generate the following results based on 4608 collectors: The delivered heat is approximately 265 MWt. These results are in 1974 dollars. When corrections are made for 1975 dollars (1.11) and the total heat delivered made to correspond to 150 MWe, the transport system direct cost becomes 48.7$/kWt