JPL Preliminary Examination of SPS Occupational Health

This tabulation shows that the material acquisition phase has the highest occupational health impacts (slightly more than half the total PDLs), followed by construction, operations and maintenance. The incidence rate of occupational health impacts computed with the foregoing results is 57 PDL/100 Man-yr; this is 7% higher than the national average for all ground-based industries (53.3 PDL/100 Man- yr) . It should be noted that any jobs that will be unique to the SPS system, such as space fabrication, construction, operation, and maintenance, do not now have any statistics or history available on occupational health impacts. These jobs amount to 0.14% of the total manpower. Consequently, in relation to these tasks, this study only points out the various types of occupational health hazards and impacts that may exist. These occupational health hazards, which are discussed in Section V, are as follows: (1) Absence of life supporting elements in the space environment (2) Space radiation hazards (3) Microwave hazards (4) Solar UV hazards (5) Space charge (6) Meteoroids