JPL Preliminary Examination of SPS Occupational Health

(7) Collisions (8) Explosions and/or fires (9) Psychological effects (10) Contamination (11) Pressure excursions (12) Motion sickness A preliminary study of the space radiation environment and parametric depth dose relationship has been made for both solar maximum and solar minimum activities. The analysis covers geomagnetically trapped protons and electrons, electron-Bremsstrahlung radiation, and solar and galactic cosmic protons. The study shows that for LEO the most damaging radiation affecting the occupational health is trapped protons; whereas for GEO the solar flare proton dose predominates. The study shows that for the same allowable dose limit the shielding thickness required for GEO is about an order of magnitude higher than that required for LEO. Radiation in a space vehicle can be reduced below the levels computed in the study by using a sandwich method fusing different metals, e.g., aluminum and lead. A great deal more research and development into the makeup of the walls of the various spacecraft will be necessary. This research will be needed to determine the dose to a space worker on his long-term stay in space. Also, a designed ’’storm cellar” will be needed for any time there is a solar flare. A ’’storm cellar” would have extremely thick walls to give the personnel the protection needed.