JPL Preliminary Examination of SPS Occupational Health

represents the number of injuries or illnesses or lost workdays per 100 full-time employees in that calendar year: Total number of recordable injuries and/or illnesses or lost workdays Incidence rate = ---------------------------------- x 200,000 (1) Total man-hours worked by all employees in a given calendar year The numerical factor 200,000 is the base for 100 full-time equivalent workers, working 40 hours per week, 50 weeks per year. The manpower estimates and the incidence rates are matched to give the PDL for occupational injuries and illnesses, respectively (see Fig. 1). Equation (1) can be used to estimate the person-days lost in each of the conventional occupations. Denoting by (PDL)^ the total number of person-days lost in the i^ occupation and re-arranging equation (1) to solve for this term. th In equation (2) the incidence rate for the i occupation is obtained from data compiled by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, shown in Table 3. t h The total manhours worked in a year by SPS employees in the i occupation is obtained from the SPS manpower requirements estimated by F. Livingston et al (Ref. 2). The foregoing method applies to 99.86% of the total estimated manpower for SPS, whose work can be classified as belonging to the conventional occupations. B. OCCUPATIONS UNIQUE TO SPS For those workers engaged in production, operation and maintenance activities which are unique to the SPS system, such as space fabrication and construction in LEO and GEO or for operating and maintaining the