JPL Preliminary Examination of SPS Occupational Health

C. SPACE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM UNIT A space transportation system unit is defined as all the HLLVs (Heavy Lift Launch Vehicles), PLVs (Personnel Launch Vehicles), COTVs (Cargo Orbital Transfer Vehicles), and POTVs (Personnel Orbital Transfer Vehicles), and other supporting facilities (except launch sites), which are associated with placing one 10-GW SPS from ground to GEO. Space vehicles manufacturing, fabrication of metal products, and the primary metals industries have comparable occupational health impacts. The PDL of these three categories of industries combined amount to about three- quarters of the PDL for the space transportation system (see Table 6). With 48 space transportation system units, the normalizing factor for Table 6 is 2.76 x 10$ MW-yr. Table 6. Normalized Occupational Health Impacts For One Space Transportation System Unit