JPL Preliminary Examination of SPS Occupational Health

ABSTRACT This report deals with impacts and benefits to occupational health associated with the Satellite Power System (SPS). This includes injuries and illnesses which occur in all phases of the SPS, from the acquisition of the raw materials to the final operation and maintenance of the Satellite Power System. In each phase of the SPS, the manpower is broken down into categories of each type of job and into a listing of the Occupational Health Impacts in terms of person-days lost due to occupational injuries and illnesses, from which the main areas of impact can be found. It is indicated in this report that 99.86% of the manpower required for SPS would be engaged in conventional occupations. For this manpower, the incidence of occupational health impacts is computed to be 7% higher than the national average of all ground-based industries. For the 0.14% of SPS manpower engaged in space operations that are unique to the SPS, there is no data base for assessment of occupational health impacts. In this area, the hazards are discussed qualitatively. Recommendations for further studies are presented in the report.