A Survey of SPS 1976 PRC

of flights per vehicle, e.g., 100 or more; and a high frequency of launch, e.g., 112 HLLV and 76 shuttle (Ref. All) or 575 -4600 HLLV per year (Ref. A17) or, 450-650 (Ref. A16). • Although the mass overhead burden factor is a critical cost driver, it is difficult if not impossible to calculate the burden effect without projecting in some detail the method of assembly which in turn relates to the mode of inter-orbital transfer and ultimately depends on or interacts with the satellite design. 9. System Sensitivity to Transportation Costs A variety of estimates of the sensitivity of total system costs to transportation costs or components of transportation costs are available in the references. While generally not comparable in format or units, several are highly indicative of the complexity of the transportation costs interrelationships. In the ECON study, (Ref. All), it is noted that the average use-life of the LEO space fleet was projected at 100 uses (flights) per vehicle representing a total cost of $1.31 billion (equivalent to 2.6 mills/kWh). "Were the use-life 150 flights, the charges would be $0.94 billion, were the use-life 200 flights, $0.75 billion, were the use-life 500 flights, $0.43 million." Hence a doubling of the use-life from 100 to 200 flights 9 would reduce total system capital costs of ($7.6 x 10 ) by almost 7.5 percent. The interaction of the final weight of the space hardware, e.g., the finally assembled satellite, and transportation cost is discussed parametrically by JPL/JSC in Reference Al3. From the graph presented, it would appear that the critical target area for this project, designated "JSC," is in the general range of 0.1-0.18 kW/kg or between approximately 12 and 22 lbs of final satellite weight per net kilowatt output. This estimate compares conservatively with the projected ratio of approximately 8 Ibs/kW used in the ECON study, based on a weight of 39.8 x 10^ Ibm 6 6 (18.06 x 10 kg) for a rated net output of 5 x 10 kW.