A Survey of SPS 1976 PRC

of the SSPS energy costs, to energy costs for the LMFBR and terrestrial solar generation system. No independent investigation of source cost estimates has been made. The scope of the study has been limited to recasting the best available numbers, sometimes involving a reconstruction of initial estimates, in a standard form. The complexities involved in calculating meaningful energy costs for the LMFBR are numerous and extensive, involving potential problems of secondary benefits, plutonium sales, and the inclusion or exclusion of major parallel program costs. With respect to solar terrestrial energy, the depth and quality of analysis available to this study is generally much lower than for either the LMFBR or the SSPS. There necessarily is a potential lack of comparability in the cost estimation methodology even here where a concerted effort has been made to standardize the ground rules for generating energy costs from estimates of unit capital, O&M and other cost estimates. (1) Key Assumptions The critical assumptions in this standard analysis are: (a) All estimates are in constant 1975 dollars with no assumed inflation. (b) Uniform use of a 10% discount (interest) rate for both capital recovery and present value calculations. (c) Total generating capacity for each technology will grow to 445 GWe by the year 2020. (d) No consideration of secondary benefits in the form of fuel cost savings for other energy systems. (e) Full recovery of all program (DDT&E) costs by the year 2020 over a production run yielding a total generating capacity of 445 GWe by that time. Although inflation or secondary benefits are not considered in any of the analyses, a very minor effect on delivered LMFBR energy cost is