A Survey of SPS 1976 PRC

might require a wider distribution network than perhaps is presently available. A somewhat similar comment may be made with respect to the LMFBRs which are projected at 1300-2000 MWe(1.3-2 GWe). Unfortunately, no systematic treatment of the relative impact of power plant scale on distribution costs exists. Distribution costs would clearly have an adverse impact on large scale facilities and a potentially beneficial impact on technologies which permitted highly efficient small scale operations. In this latter regard, it should be noted that the solar terrestrial concept under consideration can, apparently, function from a minimum size of 100 megawatts up. This could be a potential source of savings while the solar orbital power system (SSPS) might result in additional costs. Perhaps the most critical limitation on this analysis is the fact that widespread introduction of the LMFBR, unlike the other systems under consideration, would require a significant restructuring of the entire national energy economy. Potential users, in the form of recycled plutonium LWR reactors, would have to be available for the substantial amounts of bred fuel that would be created by the breeder. Therefore, the LMFBR, unlike the other examples under consideration has a potential implication for other energy development and, to that extent, is difficult to analyze in a truly separate and independent fashion. (4) Other Factors Specifically Applicable to Solar Terrestrial A review of the available references suggests that the solar terrestrial system differs, in at least two important respects, from both the LMFBR and the SSPS. These two issues, which are particularly important to a comparison of baseload power generation costs, are: • The potentially more advantageous use of solar terrestrial systems to provide supplementary or peak load power rather than baseload power generation. • The potentially significant savings that may be possible in power distribution costs by virtue of the much smaller optimum size for this type of system, e.g., 100 MWe compared to 1,300-10,000 MWe for other systems under consideration.