A Survey of SPS 1976 PRC

JPL study. This shows a relatively small ($1.1 billion) cost for this particular system. The last ingredient required for the analysis is a hypothetical capacity growth schedule, found to be relatively standard among the various systems considered. This growth schedule is shown in Exhibit 40. Only the last column is taken directly from a published source. The SSPS production schedule is the one cited in the ECON study. No production schedule was given for the solar terrestrial system and a hypothetical one reflecting a rapidly accelerating growth curve was projected in order to achieve the same growth by the year 2020, i.e., 445 GWe of installed generating capacity. In the case of the LMFBR, all the published estimates showed much more rapid growth. For purposes of consistency and conservatism, the conservative growth curves published in WASH-1535 were used but were leveled off at that point where they reached a rate which would bring total capacity to 445 GWe by 2020. For the 1987 IOC date, the annual increase in capacity reaches approximately 16 GWe per year by 1995. In this instance, it is held constant at that rate so that it reaches 445 GWe by 2020. With the 1993 IOC date, the rate of increased capacity is projected to reach approximately 18 GWe per year by 1999 and is held at that rate to achieve 445 GWe by 2020.