A Survey of SPS 1976 PRC

are generally adapted directly from the comparable ratios computed for the associated capital costs. For example, the energy costs per dollar of solar array maintenance are assumed equal to the energy cost per dollar of capital costs for the solar array. Similar treatment is given to antenna interface, transmitting antenna and receiving antenna maintenance. For general operations maintenance, the largest annual cost component, the Btu/$ ratio used is the one derived for transportation flight costs, as discussed above. In the case of the solar concentrator, the use of a mylar or Kapton film indicate primary emphasis on plastics; hence the use of the plastic sector (2801) in that case. Both the structure and the mast are to be made of aluminum, a highly energy intensive material. Both are assigned to the sector describing aluminum forming and processing (3808). Recall that these coefficients are being applied to the dollars and not the weight of the materials. Hence it is more appropriate to use a secondary processing such as aluminum forming, rather than primary processing of aluminum which would not include any of the allowance for the presumably less energy intensive efforts of design, forming the aluminum, quality control and a host of other things required for the actual creation of the mast and structured components. As indicated in the exhibit, the ECON study estimates for energy requirements for the solar blankets were used directly without intermediate dollar conversion. The allocation of these total estimates between coal, crude oil and gas, and hydroelectric- nuclear, is based on the allocation given for semiconductor manufacture. Mixed components are often used to match the given sectors. The stations and modules, for exanple, are assumed to be evenly allocated between aircraft (a partial approximation of the kinds of life support systems involved) and electronic components. On the other hand, the actual assembly equipment, much of which would be telecontrolled by remote operators, is allocated 60% to hoist cranes and other material moving equipment, 20% to radio and TV equipment for teleoperation, and 20% to electronic equipment generally. Similar allocations over multiple sectors may be found in the transportation group. It should be noted in the transportation group, however,