A Survey of SPS 1976 PRC

aval Table, and a series of flight tests via the Shuttle. The "near term" studies proposed include: • Assembly system studies Determine cost-effective use of man-in-space assembly Trade-off space-fabricated versus ground- fabricated deployable structures Trade-off joining and fastening techniques and equipment Trade-off LEO versus GEO assembly site • Assembly concept definitions Design options for remote controlled assembly aids Design options for mobility units Design options for EVA equipments Design options for materials and propellant storage Design concepts for mission control and data acquisition and tracking network • Other supporting studies Simulation: Manned and remote controlled assembly Analyze maintenance and repair operations The flight testing via the Shuttle would include: • Structural and fabrication and deployment technology sorties • Joint and fastener technology sorties • Waveguide fabrication and deployment technology • Electronics installation technology sorties • Large subassembly-to-subassembly mating • Antenna assembly sorties • Rotary joint assembly sorties • Conducting central mast assembly • Solar array assembly • Orbit transfer of large flexible bodies and radiation sensitive material (2) Solar-Thermal Concept The implementation approach under consideration for this concept would utilize large reflecting surfaces to collect energy for