A Survey of SPS 1976 PRC

rocket motors) and other elements to provide low cost, large payload to orbit capability. Reusable Nuclear Shuttles (RNS) - Cost of development and fleet production of solid core and gas core RNS. Lunar Logistic Tugs - Cost of development and fleet production of manned landing tugs. Crew Modules - Cost of development and fleet production of life supporting crew modules with systems independent of the carrier. "Super" Shuttle - Cost of development and fleet production of fully reusable two-stage shuttle with 600,000 pounds to low earth orbit capability achieving a cost per pound to low earth orbit of under $100. Management and Administration - Costs cover civil service and support contractors salaries and some overhead and were based on the levels of effort in past space programs. Other - This cost is a conservative estimate of all ground facilities, equipment, etc., needed in operations support of a program of this magnitude. For purposes of comparison, the total costs of several other large programs are as follows: Program Cost in Billions of 1975 Dollars Panama Canal 2 Space Shuttle 5-8 Alaska Pipeline 6 Heavy Lift Launch Vehicle 8-25 Apollo 39 "Super" Shuttle 45 Manned Mars Mission 100 Project Independence 600-2000 The cost drivers in space colonization are: (1) Frequency and efficiency of crew-rotation between the earth and L5, and between the earth and the moon, during the construction period.