A Survey of SPS 1976 PRC

(6) Conceptual study of a human-rated version of the LDEF (Long- Duration Exposure Facility): a test laboratory capable of being put into orbit by the shuttle, in which the long-term effects of partial or zero gravity and of various rotation rates could be studied. (7) Studies on earth of high-yield agriculture, under conditions of controlled atmosphere and abundant solar energy, with human intervention (as is customary in agriculture on earth), as necessary, to maintain stability. (8) A balanced set of design studies of earth-to-low-orbit vehicle systems, emphasizing: a. Minimum development cost. b. Minimum cost per pound of payload. c. Minimum adverse effect on the biosphere, but with less emphasis on massive single payloads. For example, shuttle-derivative freight-rockets of moderate size, and single-stage-to-orbit fully-reusable vehicles of moderate size, would receive greater attention if this recommendation were followed. (9) A continued moratorium on the development of nuclear rockets. (10) Study of space-stations larger than a human-rated LDEF: Facilities whose components could be launched by the shuttle or by a shuttle-derived freight rocket, and which when assembled would be suitable as construction and maintenance shops for larger objects. (11) Design studies of large power satellites, emphasizing reliability, simplicity, ease of manufacture and conservative technology, with less emphasis on the achievement of minimum weight. (12) Study of an unmanned asteriodal probe, emphasizing the confirmation of carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen resources in the asteroids. Note that program elements (1) and (2) constitute endorsement of programs already under way and (4) reinforces a decision already made. Elements (8), (10), (11) and (12) are recommendations for taking broader, less restricted viewpoints in conceptual designs already under way. Of the remaining five recommendations, four relate to research of a modest scale which could be carried out wholly at the surface of the earth, at