A Survey of SPS 1976 PRC

Large Lift Earth Launch Vehicle developed from space shuttle hardware is needed for high lift and large diameter capability to earth orbit prior to development of the advanced shuttle. Two Lunar Logistics Tug (LLT) configurations are required to support the lunar base build-up. The initial LLT required for the 12-man lunar base development is a small reusable tug. An evolution to a higher performance version of this concept. Advanced Logistics Tug (ALT), is required for support of the lunar colony. Utilization of a Reusable Nuclear Stage (RNS) minimizes the quantity of propellant carried into earth orbit to support the lunar and L5 operations. The propellant requirements are especially favorable when the gas core reactor engine becomes operational. A fully reusable large lift ELV is required beginning in 1990 concurrent with the construction of a lunar colony. To fulfill this requirement an advanced shuttle concept is assumed. The ''Super” Shuttle is assumed to be a two-stage, vertical takeoff, horizontal landing, fully reusable vehicle utilizing LOX-hydrogen propellants. (2) Earth Surface A major ground based habitat simulation program is a necessary precursor to embarking on any space colonization program involving closed ecological systems. To provide answers to the fundamental ecological issues involved and to develop the necessary advanced life support systems technologies in preparation for a total space program leading up to a complete ecological closure, the following 2 major program elements are envisioned: (1) Micro-Scale Habitat Simulation Facility - Operational by 1980; and (2) Macro-Scale Habitat Simulation Complex - Operational by 1985. (3) Earth Orbit The elements of the earth orbital program seen as necessary forerunners to achieving a capability to initiate construction of the space colony and their functions are briefly outlined below.