A Survey of SPS 1976 PRC

(a) Low Earth Orbit 12 Man Space Station (1984) This station serves as a test bed for evaluation of long life subsystems required for all other elements of the program, and performs a logical next step beyond the physiochemical life support systems tested at the micro-scale facility on earth. Basic long term habitation concepts will be verified along with basic space manufacturing processing techniques. This station is common in configuration with the lunar orbit space station needed to support lunar base build-up operations. It also serves as a basic element of the space base complex to be completed in 1989. (b) Orbital Propellant Depot The high traffic rate between earth orbit and lunar orbit/ surface required to implement and logistically support the lunar and L5 base build-ups dictate the need for an orbital propellant storage facility for LH2 to support the refueling of a reusable nuclear shuttle system. Such a facility enhances the operational flexibility of space-based vehicles by eliminating the timing constraints associated with earth surface initiated resupply flights. (c) Space Base (1989) This 100 man facility is modularly constructed from basic space station elements. Major provisions for both artificial and zero gravity facilities are provided. Housing and recreational accommodations for a major earth orbital training center for engineering/fabrication/ manufacturing personnel are provided along with the machinery and supporting equipment needed to receive raw materials, smelt, produce sheet/wire/ bar stock, and fabricate colony elements. It is a necessary prerequisite to demonstrating the major construction and fabrication techniques needed at L5 to begin space colony implementation.