A Survey of SPS 1976 PRC

hydrogen can improve efficiency in energy production and distribution, especially as the level of nuclear power production increases. Hydrogen generated by a utility during times of relatively low consumer demand for electricity can be reconverted to electricity during peak-load periods. It can also be transported economically via pipeline for reconversion to electricity either by fuel cells near the user or by other means. Hydrogen may also be useful as a fuel in the transportation sector and as a supplement to the natural gas supply. Hydrogen is a nonpolluting fuel. The development of safe, efficient, and economic methods of hydrogen production, storage, and conversion would also allow wide applications of hydrogen produced from advanced energy sources, such as solar or geothermal. (2) Technology Requirements All the technologies required in the use of hydrogen for energy storage are presently available, but the cost is high and the efficiency low. Work is essential to reduce the cost and improve the efficiency of hydrogen production, storage, and reconversion to electricity. The basic technology for hydrogen distribution is well understood. Hydrogen can be transported in substantially the same manner as natural gas in pipelines, or it can be handled as it is in the chemical process industry. The technologies for storing hydrogen as a high pressure gas or cryogenic liquid are well developed, partly as a by-product of the space program, and large scale (million gallon) liquid hydrogen storage facilities have been built in connection with space applications. The technical feasibility of storing hydrogen in metal hydrides for stationary applications is also established. Fuel cells have been used to supply electricity in the space program. There is no fundamental problem barring the use of hydrogen as a heating fuel or as a fuel for gas turbines and other engines. Under the ERDA program the existing advanced technology will have to be transferred and adapted for use in commerce and industry. This will require a substantial effort. For industrial and space applications hydrogen is used in a well controlled environment by highly skilled workers. For domestic applications the basic problem will be to ensure economy and safety in large scale, widespread operations with relatively unskilled personnel.