A Survey of SPS 1976 PRC

Research and Development: 1842: A patent was issued for a steam driven airplane. 1845: Stokes developed a series of eqnations describing the motion of viscous fluids. 1848: The first successful flying model airplane was developed. 1867: The first biplane was designed by Wenham (England). 1890— 1900: Detailed scientific gliding experiments by Chanute and others helped establish the principles of aerodynamic control. 1896: The first motor driven airplane achieved sustained flight 1901: The Wright brothers conduct wind tunnel tests to determine proper aircraft design requirements. 1902: The Wrights continued their experiments with gliders. 1902 : The role of the airfoil in producing lift was explained. 1903 : The Wright brothers demonstrated the technical feasibility of the airplane by achieving a 12-second sustained flight using a 12-horsepower internal combustion engine. Incubation Period: 1905: The Wrights extend flight duration to 33 minutes covering 21 miles. 1908: The capacity for sustained flight was further extended to 2 hours 20 minutes. 1908: A practical monoplane design was introduced. Commercial Development: 1909: A flight duration record of 3 hours 4 minutes and 56 seconds, a speed record of 50 miles per hour, and an altitude record of 500 feet all were established. 1909: The U.S. Army placed the first order for the manufacture of aircraft with the Wright brothers. Commercial Growth: 1917: The Wright-Martin Co. and other plane manufacturers were established. 1918: The first regular airmail service in United States was Inaugurated. 1919: The first transatlantic flight by Lindberg was successful. 1919: Commercial airlines began limited activities. 1926: The Post Office Department turned airmail routes over to private industry. 1927: Lindbergh's New York to Paris flight aroused the public. 1928: United Aircraft & Transport Corp, were formed. 1928: The Aviation Corp, cf Delaware (American) was formed. 1930: The jet engine was invented by Whittle (England). 1930: Transcontinental and Western Air (TWA) began operations. 1939: The buildup of military aircraft prior to World War II was started. EXHIBIT 73. CHRONOLOGY OF THE DISCOVERY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE AIRPLANE