A Survey of SPS 1976 PRC

Basic Research and Investigation; 1822-32: Babbage proposed the design of a "difference engine to construct and print mathematical tables and an analytical engine for scientific calculation." 1SS5 : Hollerith developed the punched-card counting ma* chine for tabulating the 1890 census. 1890: Relay apparatus was developed for controlling complex electrical switching. 1911: The development and marketing of mechanical tabulating card equipment was initiated. 1923: The electric key punch was introduced. 1925: The horizontal card-sorting machine was introduced. 1928: Standards for punched cards were established. Incubation Period: 1929-44: A number of special computing machines, Including the first large scale electromechanical computer, the automatic sequence controlled calculator (with a capacity of three additions per second), were developed. Commercial Development: 1946 : The first vacuum tube electronic computer, ENIAC (with a capability of 5,000 additions per second), was put into operation at Aberdeen Proving Ground. 1948: The first electronic stored program computer with large electromechanical relay memory (SSCE) was constructed. 1948: The small electronic 604 computer was introduced by IBM. 1949: The Edsac computer employing a mercury delayline memory was developed. Commercial Growth: 1951: The UNIVAC I computer became the first electronic computer Introduced for commercial applications. 1953: The first solid state computer was delivered. 1956: The magnetic core storage computer was announced. 1959 : The first thln-film Integrated circuits for computer memory were developed. 1965; Delivery of the first Integrated circuit computers for commercial applications began. EXHIBIT 75. CHRONOLOGY OF THE DISCOVERY AND DEVELOPMENT OF ELECTRONIC COMPUTERS