A Survey of SPS 1976 PRC

A. - (Cont.) Al3 JSC Space Solar Power and Related Studies Presentation to ERDA, 27 April 1976. A14 An Economic Comparison of Space-Based Solar Power Systems and Terrestrial Power Systems, ECON Briefing Charts. A15 Comparative Assessment of Orbital and Terrestrial Central Power Systems, JPL Briefing Charts, 30 April 1976. A16 MSFC SPS Briefing to ERDA Task Force, May 12, 1976. A17 Space-Based Power Conversion and Power Relay Systems, Preliminary Analysis of Alternate Systems, Final Performance Review Briefing, Boeing Aerospace Company, April 14, 1976. A18 Future Operations in Space, A Briefing by John F. Yardley, NASA Headquarters to the National Space Institute, 21 January 1976. A19 NASA Headquarters Briefing (4 Charts) on Integrated Long-Range Program Planning, December 1975. A20 Space Colonization By The Year 2000 - An Assessment, Marshall Space Flight Center, 15 January 1975. A24 Program Review/Comparative Assessment of Orbital and Terrestrial Central Power Stations, JPL, July 1975. A25 Evaluation of Conventional Power Systems, ERG 75-5, JPL, July 1975. A29 Assessment of a Solar Photovoltaic Power Conversion System for Central Station Application, JPL, EM 342-294, June 1975. A31 Preliminary Data on Electrical Energy Storage Systems Utility Applications, EM 342-333, JPL, April 1976. A32 Baseline Economic Analysis for Solar and Conventional Central Power Plants, EM 342-323, JPL, November 1975. B. Letters and Memorandum B9 Memo designating Dr. R. A. Summers to Chair Solar Power Satellite Task Force.