A Survey of SPS 1976 PRC

J. Patents Jl U.S. Patent No. 3,781,647, Method and Apparatus for Converting Solar Radiation to Electrical Power, Peter E. Glaser, Inventory, 25 December 1973. K. Energy Storage Kl "Government-Wide Report to Office of Management and Budget on Energy Storage R&D Program Strategies and Implementation Plans," USAEC, June 1974. K2 "Programs of the Division of Energy Storage," Energy Research and Development Administration, March 1975. K3 "Energy Storage" Incentives and Prospects for Its Development," Fritz R. Kalhammer, Electric Power Research Institute, September 1974. K4 "Program Review Comparative Assessment of Orbital and Terrestrial Central Power Systems," Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA, March 1976. K5 "The Rapidly Changing Technology of Electricity Generation and the Major Consequences in Fossil Fuel Technology," L. G. Cook, ESSO Research and Engineering Planning Report, May 1, 1973. K6 "Prospects for Applying Electrochemical Energy Storage in Future Electric Power Systems," P. A. Lewis & J. Zemboski, IEEE, 1973. K7 "Implications of the Nuclear-Electric Economy," Philip N. Ross, Conference on Research for the Electric Power Industry, Washington, D.C., December 11, 1972. L. Development Time LI Wolfe, Bertram, "Some thoughts on new energy sources," Nuclear News, May 1976, pp. 49-56. L2 Gold, Bela, William S. Pierce and Gerhard Rosegger, "Diffusion of Major Technological Innovations in U.S. Iron and Steel Manufacturing," Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol. 18, No. 3, 1970, pp. 218-241. L3 Dean, Robert C., Jr., "The Temporal Mismatch-Innovations Pace vs Management's Time Horizon," Research Management, May 1974, pp. 12-15.