A Survey of SPS 1976 PRC

ECON, an Economic Comparison of Space Bases Solar Power Systems and Terrestrial Systems, a Briefing, April 30, 1976 JPL Briefing, Comparative Assessment of Orbital and Terrestrial Central Power Systems, April 30, 1976 MSFC May 12 Briefing Boeing Study - Final briefing May 14 Briefing Charts, NASA, John F. Yardley, presented at National Space Institute, January 21, 1976 Briefing charts, Integrated Long Range Program Planning - NASA, Jesco Von Puttkamer Space Colonization by the Year 2000 - An Assessment, NASA MSFC, January 1975 NASA TM 33-727, Radiated Power Transmission Systems Eff. Meas. NASA TM 33-741, Evaluation of a Microwave High Power Recreation- Conversion Array for Wireless Power Trans. NASA TMX 64936, Charged Particle Radiation Environment for the Space Lab. and other Missions in Low Earth Orbit, J. W. Watts, Jr., J. J. Wright, MSFC Program Review, Comparative Assessment of Orbital and Terrestrial Central Power Stations, JPL, July 1975 Smith, K. R., et al, Evaluation of Conventional Power Systems, JPL Report ERG 75-5, University of California, Berkeley, July 1975 Caputo, R. S., An Initial Study of Solar Power Plants Using a Distribution Network of Point Focusing Collectors, JPL Report EM 342-308, July 1975 Selcuk, M. V., Survey of Several Central Receiving Solar Thermal Power Plan Designs Concept, JPL Report EM 342-311, August 1975 Selcuk, M. V., A Preliminary Technical and Economic Assessment of Solar Power Plants Using Line Concentrations, JPL Report EM 342-302, July 1975