A Survey of SPS 1976 PRC

1. Solar Photovoltaic The solar photovoltaic approach is perhaps the most widely discussed means for utilizing space in the satisfaction of the nation's energy requirement. It is based on the use of solar cells to convert sunlight directly to electricity in orbit with the resultant energy beamed to earth via microwaves. Exhibit 1 is a highly simplified representation of this concept. The satellite will be located in geosynchronous orbit and the ground station at any of a large number of suitable locations on earth. The ground station is discussed in subsection 6 of this section and microwave transmission is treated in Section IV. a. Physical Configuration Although several alternate satellite configurations have been proposed and are currently under consideration, the one shown in Exhibit 2 has evolved from a number of studies over several years to become * essentially the baseline configuration. The two solar collector panels are designed to provide an output of about 8500 MW which results in an effective power output at the ground receiving antenna bus bar of about 5000 MW. A 328-foot (100-meter) diameter central mast and stiffened carried-through structure running through the assembly provide structural integrity. A microwave transmitting antenna is located between the two solar collector panels. The solar collector panels are arranged to face the sun continuously while the microwave antenna will rotate once a day with respect to the solar collector in synchronous orbit. * These studies have, for the most part, been led by Dr. Peter E. Glaser of Arthur D. Little, Inc., and include contributions from Grumman, Spectralab-Raytheon, and Econ. This concept description relies heavily on the resultant study documentation fully cited as References A2, A3, All, Al3, A14, some popularizations cited as Dl, E12, Fl, and a statement by Dr. Glaser before the Subcommittee on Space Science and Applications and the Subcommittee on Energy Research, Development and Demonstration on 20 February 1976 entitled ''Development of the Satellite Solar Power Station."