A Survey of SPS 1976 PRC

Papers ”A Systems Energy Overview of the Satellite Power Station,” Mackovciak, J., Grumman Aerospace Corporation, AIAA-729111 "Feasibility of Large Scale Orbital Solar/Thermal Power Generator," Patha, J. J., Woodcock, G., Boeing Company, AIAA 73985 "Economics Analysis of Solar Energy Utilization," Woodcock, G. R., Gregory, D. C., Boeing Company, AIAA 749012 "Orbital Solar Energy Technology Advances," Woodcock, G., Gregory, D. C., Boeing Company, AIAA 7599159 Gregory, D. C., Boeing Company, AIAA-7599159 Brown, W. C., The Technology and Application of Free Space Power Transmission by Microwave Beam Proc., IEEE Vol. 62, No. 7, January 1974 Brown, W. C., Adapting Microwave Techniques to Help Solve Future Energy Problems, IEEE Trans. Vol. MTT 21, No. 12, December 1973 Brown, W. C., The Adaptation of Free Space Power Trammission Technology to the SSPS Concept Brown, W. C., Satellite Power Stations, A New Service of Energy, IEEE Spectrum, Vol. 10, No. 3, March 1973 Brown, W. C., Optimization of the Eff and other Properties of the Rectenna Element Price, John H., Dynamic Energy Analysis and Nuclear Power, Friends of the Earth, Ltd., December 1974