A Survey of SPS 1976 PRC

The O'Neil Concept Article, Science, December 5, 1975 Article, Smithsonion, February 1976 Article, The Futurist, February 1976 "Space Colonization and Energy,” Testimony before U.S. House Subcomm. "Solar Power from Satellites," Testimony before U.S. Senate Subcomm. Summary of Report of the 1975 NASA/Stanford Summer Study of Space Colonization, NASA News Release 75-247 Grodzka, P. C., Process Chemistry for L-5 Lockheed, M&S Company, Huntsville McCreight. Industrial Development in Zero-G GE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Article, Physics Today, September 1974 O'Neill, G., The High Frontier, The Co Evolution Quarterly, Fall 1975