A Survey of SPS 1976 PRC

Luft, W., Fatigue Life of Alumimum Interconnector Systems for Solar Cells, (TRW Systems Group, Redondo Beach, Calif.), In Evaluation of the Effect of the Space Environment on Materials: International Conference, Toulouse, France, June 17-21, 1974, Proceedings. (A75-24160 09-18) Paris, Centre National D'Etudes Spatiales, 1974, P. 685-696. Lundgren, C. W.: Spilman, L. D., A Method of Providing Rain Margins for 18/30 GHZ Communications Satellites Without Increasing the Solar Power Requirement, (Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., Holmdel, N. J.), In International Conference on Communications, Seattle Wash., June 11-13, 1973, Conference Record. Volume I. (A73-38713 20-07) New York, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 1973, P. 12-13 to 12-18. National Academy of Sciences - National Research Council, Solar Cells Outlook for Improved Efficiency, (Technical Feasibility of Improving Efficiency of Solar Cells for Space Programs), Washington, D.C., (AD HOC Panel on Solar Cell Efficiency.) National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Electric Power Generation in Space, (NASA Educational Facts on Present and Future Electric Power Sources for Space Application), Washington, D.C. Nekraso, P., Thermal Restraints on Lightweight Solar-Cell Arrays in Synchronous Orbit, (Solar Cell Array Design Techniques for Temperature Extremes Induced by Space Environment, Discussing Orbital Flight Requirements), (Radio Corp, of America, Defense Electronic Products, AstroElectronics Div., Princeton, N.J./.), In-Advances in Energy Conversion Engineering, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Miami Beach, Fla., August 13-17, 1967, Papers. <A67-42485 24-03< New York, American Society Of Mechanical Engineers, 1967, P. 259-263 O'Neill, G. K., The Colonization or Space, Physical Today, September 1974 Paiewonsky, B.: Szego, G. C., Optimization of Energy Storage for Solar Space Power, (Solar Energy Storage Optimization for Satellite and Space Vehicle Power Systems, Discussing Thermal Collection in Heat Sinks and Electric Batteries), (Institute for Defense Analysis, Arlington, Va./.), Energy Conversion, Vol. 8, P. 71-80 Patha, J. T. : Woodcock, G. P., Feasibility of Large-Scale Orbital Solar/ Thermal Power Generation, (Feasibility Analysis of Satellite Solar/Thermal Power Generation and Transmission to Earth, Describing Brayton Cycle Heat Engine for Initial Energy Conversion), (Boeing Co., Seattle, Wash.), In Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, RTH, Philadelphia, Pa., August 13-16, 1973, Proceeding. (A73-38386 19-03z) New York, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., 1973, P. 312-319