A Survey of SPS 1976 PRC

Quinn, R., Selection of the Baseline Attitude Control System for the SSPS and a Stability and Performance Analysis of the Elastic Coupling Between the Control System and the Spacecraft's Structural Modes, Grumman Aerospace Corp., Bethrage, N.Y. Ralph, E. I.: Benning, F., The Sole of Solar Cell Technology in the Satellite Solar Power Station, (Texiron, Inc., Sylmar, Calif.), In Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 9th, Silver Spring, Md., May 2-4, 1972, Re.cord. (A73-14203 03-03) New York, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 1972, P. 370-381 Rasch, W., Power Supply for Transferring Large Satellites into a 24-hour Orbit by Means of Electrical Propulsion, (Power Supply Transferring Large Satellites into 24-Hour Orbit by Electric Propulsion Compared with Nuclear, Chemical and Solar Cells), (Deutsche for Schungsanstalt Fuer Luft - UNO Raumfahrt, Institute Fuer Strahlantriebe, Braunschweig, West Germany/.) Deutsche Gesellschaft Fuer Luft-UNO Raumfahrt, Symposium UFBER Energiversor- gung Im Weltraum 11, Munich, West Germany, March 14, 1963, DGLR 26 P. in German Rostron, R. W., The Space Radiation Environment at Synchronous Altitude and its effects on Communication Satellites, (Radiation Environmental Model of Synchronous Communication Satellites Solar Cell Degradation by Particle Fluxes), (Comsat Labs., Clarksburg, Md./.), Members - $1.00, Nonmembers - $1.50. New York, American Inst, of Aeronautics and Astronautics, American Inst, of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Communications Satellite Systems Conference, 3rd, Los Angeles, Calif., April 6-8, 1970. Ruth, J., The Modular Solar Energy Satellite Investigation on Lage Solar Cell Surfaces in Space for the Purpose of Earth Power Supply, Technische Univ., Berlin (West Germany). (Inst. Fuer Luft - UNO Raumfahrt.) - Theory & Implementation of cost & benefit analysis of transportation systems: nectp - Sanchez, Luis: Morgantern. Osker: Heis, Klaus-Peter: Young Kan-Hua: Morrod, Solita - Resource Management Corp., Bethesda, Md. - December 1969: 298p - Prepared in cooperation with Mathematics, Inc., Princton, N.J. "The Solar Photovoltaic Array, Preliminary Technical Report,” Spectro Lab, Division of Textron Inc., Sylmar, California Tabakoff, W., Solar Concentration Power and Optimization of the Cavity Type Heater For a Solar Source, (Solar Power Concentration-Absorber System, Discussing Flux Distribution Flux Distribution in Focal Plane and Cavity Heater Optimization)/Cincinnati, U., Dept, of Aerospace Engineering, Cincinnati, Ohio/.) Raumfahrtforschung, Vol. 13, P. 107-111.