A Survey of SPS 1976 PRC

Tallent, R. J.: Zapel, F. J., Structural and Electrical Performance of a Large Concentrating Solar Cell Panel, (Structural Integrity and Electrical- Optical Performance of Large Concentrating Solar Cell Panel for Spacecraft Power Supplies)/Roeing Co., Seattle, Wash./.)/International Conference and Exhibit on Aerospace Eectro-Technology, Phoenix, Ariz., April 20-13, 1964./ IEEE Transaction on Aerospace, Vol. AS-2, April 1964, P. 739-746 Tani, T.: Horigone, T., Solar Power Generating Systems as Sources of NonPolluting Energy, (Power Generation in Space and Power Generation on the Ground), Kanner (Leo) Associates, Redwood City, Calif., Dec. 74, 14p., Tran-Transl. into English form J. Inst. Elec. Eng. Jap. (Japan), V. 92, No. 12, Dec. 1972 p. 31-24, NASW-2481, Waddel, R. C., Radiation Damage Shielding of Solar Cells on a Synchronous Spacecraft, (Radiation Damage Shielding of Solar Cells on Synchronous Spacecraft) , National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Goodard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md., AVAIL.NTIS Walkden, M. W., Optimisation of Solar Cell Shielding for Geostationary Missions, In Evaluation of the Effect of the Space Environment on Materials; International Conference, Toulouse, France, June 17-21, 1974, Proceedings. (A75-24160 09-18) Paris, Centre National D'etudes Spatiales, 1974, P. 697-715, Comments, P. 717-723 Williams, J. R., Solar Energy Technology and Applications -- Book (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Ga.) $9.95, Research Supported by NASA, Ann Arbor, Midi., Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Inc., 1974. 134 P Williams, J. R., Comparison and Evaluation of Power Plant Options for Geosynchronous Power Stations, Part I, Synchronous Solar Power Final Report (Georgia Inst, of Tech., Atlanta. (School of Mechanical Engineering.) AVAIL.NTIS HC $5.50 Williams, J. R., Geosynchronous Satellite Solar Power -- Energy Transmission to Earth, (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Ga.), In Solar Energy for Earth an AIAA Assessment, (A75-31267 14-44) New York, America Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., 1975, P. 59-71 Woodcock, G. F., Parametric sensitivity analysis for staged propulsive vehicles, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala. Woodcock, G. R. : Gregory, D. L., Orbital Solar Energy Technology Advances, (Boeing Aerospace Co., Ket, Wash.), In Energy 10: Annual Intersociety Energy Conversion and Engineering Conference, 10th: Newark, Del., August 18-22, 1975, Record . (A75-45920 28-44) New York, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 1975, P. 1057-1064.