A Survey of SPS 1976 PRC

MICROWAVE TRANSMISSION AFML-TR-71-105, Vol. II., Advanced Composite Material Study for Millimeter Wavelength Antennas; Oct. 1971. AFML-TR-74-70, LTN Project No. 461-2; Manufacturing Methods for Dimensionally Stable Composite Microwave Components; May 1974. ASP-946-5-61, ''Study of Requirements for Assembly and Docking of Spacecraft in Earth Orbit,” NAS8-27860; March 1972. Branch, G.M. and Mihran, T.G., "Analytical Designs of a Space-Borne Magnetically-Focused Klystron Amplifier," NASA Contractor Report CR-72461, General Electric Co., Tube Department, Schenectady, New York; October 1968. Barnes, A. A., Jr., "Atmospheric Water Vapor Divergence: Measurements and Applications," AFCRL-65-501, Special Reports No. 28, July 1965. Brown, W.C., "The Technology and Application of Free-Space Power Transmission by Microwave Beam," Proc, of the IEEE, Vol. 62, No. 1, January 1974. Brown, W.C., "Satellite Power Stations: A New Source of Energy?," IEEE Spectrum, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 38-47, March 1973. Brown, W.C., "Adapting Microwave Techniques to Help Solve Future Energy Problems, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. MTT-21 No. 12; December 1973. Brown, W.C., "Progress in the Efficiency of Free-Space Microwave Power Transmission," Journ. Microwave Power 7 (3), p. 223; 1972. Brown, W.C., "Free-Space Microwave Power Transmission Study, Phase 2," Raytheon Report No. PT-35^9 covering period from April 1, 1971 - August, 1972, NASA Contract No. NAS-8-25374. Brown, W.C., "Transportation of Energy by Microwave Beam," Proc. Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, New York, 1971. Brown, W.C., "Status of the Cost and Technology of the Wave Power Transmission System in the SSPS, Raytheon Company, PT-3738, March 13, 1971. Brown, W.C., "The Receiving Antenna and Microwave Power Rectification," Journal of Microwave Power, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 279-292, 1970. Brown, W.C., "A Microwave Beam Power Transfer and Guidance System for Use in an Orbital Astronomy Support Facility Final Report, Nas8-25374, 10 Dec. 1969 - 10 Dec. 1970, Raytheon Co., Waltham, Mass. Microwave and Power Tube Div.