A Survey of SPS 1976 PRC

Brown, W.C., "High-Power Microwave Generators of the Crossed-Field Type, Microwave Power," Vol. 5, No. 4, December 1970, pp. 245-259. Brown, W.C., "Experiments Involving a Microwave Beam to Power Position a Helicopter," IEEE Trans, on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. AES-5, No. 5, pp. 692-702, Sept., 1969. Brown, W.C., "Progress in the Design of Rectennas," Journal of Microwave Power, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 168-175, 1969. Brown, W.C., "Free-Space Microwave Power Transmission Study," Raytheon Report No. PT-2931 covering period of Dec., 1969 to Dec., 1970. NASA contract no. NAS-8-25374. Brown, W.C., "Experimental System for Automatically Positioning a Microwave Supported Platform," Technical Report No. RADC-TR-68-273, Oct., 1968. Contract AF 30 (602) 4310. Brown, W.C., "Experimental Airborne Microwave Supported Platform," Technical Report No. RADC-TR-65-188, Dec., 1965. Contract AF30 (602) 3481. Brown, W.C., "Experiments in the Transportation of Energy by Microwave Beams, 1964 IEEE Intersociety Conference Record, Vol. 12, Pt. 2, 1964, pp. 8-17. Brown, W.C., "Thermionic Diode Rectifier," in Okress, Microwave Power Engineering, pp. 295-297. Brown, W.C. and George, R. H., "Rectification of Microwave Power," IEEE Spectrum, Vol. 1, pp. 92-97, October 1964. Brown, W.C., "Experiments in the Transportation of Energy by Microwave Beam," 1964 IEEE International Convention Record, Vol. 12, Part 2, pp. 8- 17. Brown, W.C., "A Survey of the Elements of Power Transmission by Microwave Beam," 1961 IRE International Convention Record, Vol. 9, Part 3, pp. 93- 105. Burdette, L.R., "Microwave Power Generation Analysis," Calspan Corporation, Contract No. DAAK002-73-C-0504; December 1973. Christian, J.R., Goubau, G., Mink, J. W., Schwering, F., "Diffractional Field Distortion and Cross Talk in Guided Optical Multibeam Transmission," Research and Development Technical Report, Army Electronics Command, Fort Monmouth, N.J., Dec. 70, 29 p.