A Survey of SPS 1976 PRC

NUCLEAR SATELLITE POWER STATION Advanced Reactors: Physics, Design and Economics, Topical Conference Proceedings, ANS, Reactor Phys. Div., published by the School of Nuclear Engineering, Georgia Tech., Atlanta, Ga., September 8-11, 1974. Beard, B. S. and Lynch, J. J., ''Thermionic Reactor Program, and Overview,” Proceedings of the 7th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, San Diego, California, September 1972, pp. 1036-1040. Bell, G. I., "Calculations of the Critical Mass of UF< as a Gaseous Core with Reflectors of D2O, Be and C," Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Report No. LA-1874, February, 1955. Bettis, E. S. and Robertson, R. C., "The Design and Performance Features of a Single-Fluid Molton-Salt Breeder Reactor," Nuclear Applications and Technology, Vol. 8, pp. 190-207, February, 1970. Bishop, A. R., "The Performance of Helium Seeded With Uranium in a Magnetohydrodynamic Generator," Research on Uranium Plasmas and Their Technological Applications, NASA SP-236, pp. 335-342, January, 1970. Bogomolov, B. G., et al., "Results of Research on a Single Component System for a Liquid Metal MHD Converter," Symposium on Magnetohydrodynamic Electrical Power Generation, Warsaw, July 24-30, 1968, Vol. Ill, p. 1563, (International Atomic Energy Agency), (Paper SM-107/135). Boldyrev, V. M., et al., "Thermodynamic Analysis of New Cycles for Liquid Metal MHD Generators," Symposium on Magnetohydrodynamic Electrical Power Generation, Warsaw, July 24-30, 1968, Vol. Ill, p. 1587 (International Atomic Energy Agency) (Paper SM-107/142). Boman, L. H., Gallagher, J. G. , "NERVA Technology Reactor Integrated with NASA/Lewis Brayton Cycle Space Systems," Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 500-505, May, 1971. Burkig, B. C., "Thermal Absorption in Seeded-Gases," Douglas Aircraft Corp., Report DAC-59985, January, 1967. Carbiener, W. A. and Robinson, R. A., "Experimental Investigation of Heat Release in a Particle-Seeded Vortex," Battelle Columbus Laboratories. (Quarterly Progress Report, contract F33615-73-C-4027), January 1973. Clement, J. D. and Williams, J. R., "Gas Core Reactor Technology," Reactor Technology, 13, No. 3, 226-51, Summer 1970. Cory, J. S., Bennett, A., "Thermal Absorption in Seeded Gases," Douglas Aircraft Corp., Report 60799, February, 1969.