A Survey of SPS 1976 PRC

Karcella, N. L., ''Special Absorption Coefficients of Helium and Neon Buffer Gases and Nitric Oxide-Oxygen Seed Gas Mixture,” UAC Research Laboratories, Report K-910904-2, September 1971. Karcella, N. L., ''Theoretical Investigations of the Opacity of Heavy- Atom Gases," UAC Research Laboratories, Report, D-910092-4, September 1965. Kunze, J. F., et al., "Benchmark Gas Core Critical Experiment," Nuclear Science and Engineering: 47,59-65 (1972). Latham, T. S. and Rodgers, R. J., "Analytical Design and Performance Studies of Nuclear Furnance Tests of Small Nuclear Light Bulb Models, "United Aircraft Research Laboratories Report No. L-910900-17, September, 1972. Latham, T. S., "Nuclear Criticality Study of a Specific Vortex-Stabilized Gaseous Nuclear Rocket Engine," United Aircraft Corp. Research Laboratories, Report E-910375-1, October, 1966. Latham, T. S., "Nuclear Criticality Studies of Specific Nuclear Light Bulb and Open-Cycle Gaseous Nuclear Rocket Engines," United Aircraft Research Laboratories Report F-910375-2, September, 1967. Lewellen, W. S., "Magnetohydrodynamically Driven Vortices," Proceedings of the 1960 Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics Institute, Stanford, Calif., 1960. Lofthouse, J. H., et al., "Cavity Reactor Critical Experiment," ANS Transactions, Vol. 9, No. 2, p. 340, 1966. Ludewig, H., "Physics Parameters for a Fluidized Bed Cavity Reactor," Brookhaven National Laboratory Internal Memorandum, June, 1971. Masson, L. S., et al., "Cavity Reactor Gas-Core Critical Experiment," ANS Transactions, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 419-420, November 1967. McLafferty, G. H., "Gas Core Nuclear Rocket Engine Technology Status," Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, J_, No. 12, 10, 1391, December 1972. McLafferty, G., "Investigations of the Unique Gaseous Core Nuclear Rocket Concept," United Aircraft Corp. Research Laboratory, Report R-2494-4, November 1961. Meghreblian, R. V., "Prospects for Advanced Nuclear Systems," Astronaut. Acta, VII, pp. 276-289, 1961.