A Survey of SPS 1976 PRC

Pincock, G. D. and Chase, P. L., Cavity Reactor Critical Experiment, Vol. 5, NASA Contract Report, NASA CR-72577, Idaho Nuclear Corp. Report IN-1340, November, 1969. Pincock, G. D. and Kunze, J. F., ''Cavity Reactor Critical Experiment, Volume I,” NASA CR-72234, July, 1967. Prem, L. L., "Fluid Metal MHD-Steam Binary Plant Economy for Central Station Plants," Symposium on Magnetohydrodynamic Electrical Power Generation, Warsaw, July 24-30, 1969, Vol. Ill, p. 2005, (International Atomic Energy Agency), (Paper SM-107/24). Prem, L. L., "Analytical and Experimental Results of the Fluid Metal MHD Power Conversion Program," Proceedings of a Symposium on Magnetohydrodynamic Electrical Power Generation, Salzburg, July 4-8, 1966, Vol. II, p. 1019, (International Atomic Energy Agency and European Nuclear Energy Agency,) (Paper SM-74/184). Radebold, R. D., "Energy Conversion with Liquid Metal Working Fluids in the MHD Generator," Symposium on Magnetohydrodynamic Electrical Power Generation, Warsaw, July 24-30, 1968, Vol. Ill, p. 1439 (International Atomic Energy Agency) (Paper SM-107/5). Ragsdale, Robert G. and Albert F. Kascak, "Simple Equations for Calculating Temperature Distributions in Radiating Gray Cases," NASA TN D-5226, May 1969. Ragsdale, R. G., "High Specific Impulse Gas-Core Reactors," NASA TM X-2243, March 1971. Ragsdale, R. G., "Some Fuel Loss and Weight Estimates of an Open-Cycle Gas-Core Nuclear Rocket Engine," NASA TM X-52775, June 1970. Ragsdale, R. G. , "Relationship Between Engine Parameters and the Fuel Mass Contained in an Open-Cycle Gas-Core Reactor," NASA Technical Memorandum, NASA TM X-52733, January, 1970. Ragsdale, R. G., "To Mars in 30 Days by Gas Core Nuclear Rocket," Astronautics 10, No. 1, 65-71, January 1972. Rodgers, R. J., Latham, T. S. and Clark, J. W., "Analytical Design and Performance Studies of the Nuclear Light Blub Engine," United Aircraft Research Laboratories Technical Report L-910900-16, September 1972. Rom, F. E. and Ragsdale, R. G., "Advanced Concepts for Nuclear Rocket Propulsion," Proceedings of the NASA-University Conference in Science and Technology of Space Exploration, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., Vol. 2, pp. 63-75, 1962.