A Survey of SPS 1976 PRC

Stumpf, H. J., "Gas Core Reactors,” Proceedings of an Advanced Nuclear Propulsion Symposium, Los Alamos Sci. Lab. Report LA-3229, pp. 222-236, June, 1965. Stekly, F. J. J.; Thome, R. J.; Cooper, R. F.; and Pope, R., "Superconducting Saddle Magnet Design Considerations," Proceedings of the 12th Symposium on the Engineering Aspect of Magnetohydrodynamics, March, 1972. Tang, Y. S.; Stefanko, J. S.; Dickson, P. W. and Drawbrush, D. W., "An Engineering Study of the Colloid-Fuel Reactor Concept," Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 8, No. 2, February 1971. Tang, Y. S.; Stefanko, J. S. and Dickinson, P. W., "The Colloid-Core Concept - A Possible Forerunner for the Gaseous Core," Research on Uranium Plasmas and Their Technological Applications, NASA Sp-236, pp. 29-34, January, 1970. Thom, K., Schneider, R. T. and Schwenk, F. C., "Physics and Potentials of Fissioning Plasmas for Space Power and Propulsion," 25th Int. Astronautical Congress, Paper No. 74-087, Amsterdam, September, 1974. Thom, K. and Schneider, R. T., Research on Uranium Plasmas and Their Technological Applications edited and published by the NASA and Tecnical Information Office, NASA SP-236, January 1970. Truman, B. N.; Kyslinger, J. A.; and Ravets, J. M., "An Analysis of the Operating Characteristics of the Colloid Core Reactor," AIAA Paper No. 72-1094, December 1972. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, "USAEC," Cost-Benefit Analysis of the U.S. Breeder Reactor Program, January, 1972. Waldie, B. and Fells, I., "An Experimental Study of Gas Borne Suspensions of Thermionic Emitters as MHD Working Fluids," Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. (London), Ser. A., Vol. 261, pp. 490-495, July 6, 1967. Whitmarsh, Jr., C. L., "Neutronics Analysis of An Open-Cycle High-Impulse Gas-Core Reactor Concept, "NASA TM X-2534, April, 1972. Williams, J. R. and Clement, J. D., "Analysis of Uranium Hexafluoride Nuclear Power Plants," Final Status Report, NASA Grant NSG-7068, Georgia Tech., Atlanta, Ga., November, 1974. Williams, J. R., "The Satellite Nuclear Power Station: An Engineering Analysis," International Astronautical Federation Congress, Baku, U.S.S.R., October, 1973.