A Survey of SPS 1976 PRC

Williams, J. R. and Rosa, R. J., ''Exploratory Study of Several Advanced Nuclear-MHD Power Plant Systems,” Proceedings of the 8th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Philadelphia, Pa., August, 1973. Williams, J. R. and Clement, J. D., "Exploratory Study of Several Advanced Nuclear-MHD Power Plant Systems," Final Status Report, NASA Grant NGR-11-002-145, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Ga., March, 1973. Williams, J. R. , Rosa, J. R., Yang, Y. Y. and Clement, J. D., "Exploratory Study of Several Advanced Nuclear MHD Power Plant Systems," Proceedings of the 13th Symposium on the Engineering Aspects of Magnetohydrodynamics , March, 1973. Williams, J. R. , Yang, Y. Y. , Kirby, K. D. and Clement, J. D., "Exploratory Investigation of an Electric Power Plant Utilizing a Gaseous Core Reactor with MHD Conversion," Proceeding of the 7th IECEC, September, 1972. Williams, J. R., "The Potential of Nuclear-MHD: Clean, Cheap, Abundant Power," Transaction of the Nuclear Power for Tomorrow Conference, (Sponsored by American Nuclear Society), Atlantic City, N. J., Vol. 15, Supplement No. 2, August, 1972. Williams, J. R. , Yang, Y. Y., Kirby, K. D. and Clement, J. D., "Exploratory Investigation of an Electric Power Plant Utilizing a Gaseous Core Reactor with MHD Concersion," ANS Nuclear Power for Tomorrow Conference, August, 1972. Williams, J. R., "An Evaluation of Gas Core Reactors with MHD Conversion for Clean, Economical Power Generation," Proceedings of the AIAA/ANS 2nd Symposium on Uranium Plasmas: Research and Applications, pp. 65-69, Atlanta, Ga., 1971. Williams, J. R., "A Gaseous Core Reactor for MHD Power Generation," Proceedings of the Frontiers of Power Technology Conference, Stillwater, Oklahoma, October 1971. Williams, J. R. and Rosa, R. J., "A Gaseous Core Reactor with MHD Conversion for Electrical Power Generation, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 14, No. 2, October 1971. Williams, J. R., "A Study of a Gas Core Reactor-MHD Power Plant Concept," Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 13, No. 3, 446-7, November 1970. Williams, J. R. and Rosa, R. J., "A Gaseous Core Reactor with MHD Conversion for Electrical Power Generation," Winter Meeting of the American Nuclear Society, Miami, Fla., Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 14, No. 2, October, 1971.